How to get the best results when foiling your artwork
Foiled business cards are the best possible way to attract attention and deliver essential information. That’s because foiled business cards catch the light perfectly, which naturally draws the eye to what matters most. With years of experience producing balanced and intricate foil prints, our designers know exactly how to create elegant, attention-grabbing foiled business cards that people genuinely love to own and share.
Foil printing uses heat and a solid foil colour to press and highlight the important details on your business cards such as your logo. The solid opaque foil means you can print light colours on to dark stocks, but also get amazing shiny metallic finishes.
How to Start: Work in CMYK color mode and set the resolution to 300 DPI.
Dimensions & Bleed: Your starting document size for standard business cards should be 92.125mm x 54.02mm. The final size after cutting will be 88.9mm x 50.8mm. Document safe size is 85.77mm x 47.67mm. Make sure to keep all text within the safe area. For custom sized business cards, add .125 of bleed to the desired finished size. For example, a 2.5 x 2.5 square business card, your starting document size should be 2.627 x 2.627. The final cut size would be 2.5 x 2.5. The safe size is 2.377 x 2.377.
The Foil: You must include a foil mask file in addition to the regular full color file. The foil mask file lets us know what parts of your design you want in foil. If you are purchasing foil stamping on both sides of your business card, you will need two foil mask files—one for each side. In the foil mask file, use 100% black (C: 0% M 0% Y:0% K:100%) to indicate where you want the foil to be. Leave everything else white—white indicates no foil. Be sure that the foil areas are NOT visible within your artwork file and ONLY visible within the mask file. There is a 1/16-inch margin of error with foil, so we do not suggest printing small or very thin fonts in foil.